Pain Management & Arthritis

One of our goals at Prien Lake Animal Hospital is to provide an effective medication and pain management strategy for pets that have pain issues. Left untreated, pain reduces quality of life and can delay recovery from surgery, injury, or illness.

Pets can’t always tell us when they’re in pain, but there are common signs that indicate discomfort due to injury, surgery, or chronic conditions like arthritis. Our veterinary team provides personalized pain management solutions to help improve your pet’s comfort and quality of life.

Common Signs of Pain in Pets:

  • Limping or Stiffness: Difficulty getting up, reluctance to climb stairs, or favoring one limb may indicate joint pain or arthritis.
  • Changes in Activity Level: Reduced playfulness, reluctance to exercise, or withdrawal from family activities could signal discomfort.
  • Vocalization: Unusual whining, growling, yelping, or purring (in cats) can be a sign of pain.
  • Restlessness or Difficulty Sleeping: Pets in pain may have trouble settling down, frequently changing positions or pacing.
  • Changes in Appetite: A sudden loss of interest in food or difficulty chewing may indicate dental pain or general discomfort.
  • Licking or Chewing at a Specific Area: Pets often focus on a painful joint or injured area by licking or chewing.
  • Panting or Heavy Breathing: Unexplained panting, even in cool temperatures, can indicate pain, especially in dogs.
  • Behavioral Changes: Increased aggression, irritability, or avoiding interaction may result from pain.
  • Posture Changes: A hunched back, tucked abdomen, or reluctance to lie down flat can signal internal discomfort or joint pain.

We take a multi-modal approach to pain management, combining medications, supplements, and therapies to address both acute and chronic pain. Whether your pet is recovering from surgery, an injury, or dealing with a chronic condition like arthritis, we work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan to ensure optimal relief and improve their quality of life.

  • Joint Supplements: Glucosamine, chondroitin, and omega-3 fatty acids help support joint health and reduce inflammation.
  • Pain Medications: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other medications reduce pain and inflammation, improving your pet’s daily comfort.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight reduces stress on joints and prevents further damage.

If your pet is exhibiting signs of pain, please give us a call and schedule an appointment.